Youth's Concern

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Youth Issues

Young people constitute the largest [67% resides between the age 15-35] segment of Pakistani population. Those from low and middle income groups, have few opportunities to develop to their full potential. Poverty is widespread, education levels are low, youth unemployment is high and traditional culture does not encourage young people to take decisions on issues concerning them. There is limited scope for young people’s positive local engagement in grassroots politics and community development. The situation becomes more complex when it arrives to the reality of youth of traditional societies such as Balochistan and NWFP. Number of cases reported that indicate youth involvement in unlawful activities including but not limited to illegal trade, human trafficking, militancy [ethnic and religious] and communal violence.
On the other hand, available education and political system is not creating mass level awareness regarding existing situations. They neither have the capacity to comprehend these situations in its totality, nor capable to take the challenge of creating alternative spaces and opportunities that nurture a counter vialing power among youth and communities against extremism and militancy and create basis for sustainable peace.

Pakistan is a country facing massive problems such as poverty, illiteracy, health issues, terrorism and the worst of all, violence. Though violence on the whole is a terrible problem, violence against women has no cultural or class limitations. No woman is protected from this problem that is spreading in our country like an epidemic. Women in Pakistan face staggeringly high rates of rape, sexual assault and domestic violence In 2008, a total number of 7,571 incidents of violence against women were reported in Pakistan, out of which 4,416 cases occurred in the Punjab, 1,380 in Sindh, 799 in the NWFP, 767 in Baluchistan and 209 in Islamabad while nobody knows how many such incidents go unnoticed and unreported. Approximately, 70-90% of women experience spousal abuse. The sad aspect of this situation is that the attackers largely go unpunished due to our highly incompetent justice system. If we look at statistics, 80% cases of violence against women are pending in lower courts. It is shocking and nothing less than a nightmare.

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